Roads & Bridges
Highways and Arterial Roads:
Callide Coalfields Ltd + Department of Main Roads
12km of haul road for the conveyance of mine traffic up to 390 tonnes gross weight including design of vertical and horizontal alignments, pavements, road drainage, cross drainage. (All works were specified to QMRD Standards).
The design also included: a pre-cast concrete arch overpass and reinforced earth retaining walls over the Dawson Highway, “at grade” intersections with Council roads, gas pipeline crossing, construction side-track and OD bypass road.
The images on the right show the construction and completion of the highway overpass.

NCDC Port Moresby
Southern Urban Arterial Road Link. This is a four lane divided road, complete with water and sewage reticulation modifications. Poroperena Highway the highway between the harbour and the airport.
The image on the left (taken from Google Maps, 2019) shows the completed arterial road link.
Main Haul Roads:
Inova Australia
56 kilometres of mine haul road including route selection, feasibility studies, bridge and culvert designs.
The project included option assessment for alignments and road type, route selection through new areas, geotechnical investigations including material sourcing, drainage and catchment assessments, bridge and culvert designs, detailed design including vertical and horizontal alignments, preparation of capital cost estimates, preparation of tender documents and tender analysis.
Evolution - Mt Carlton Silver Mine
Upgrades to the 35 kilometres of Local Council road and 15 kilometres of private road.
The project included assessment and design of upgrades to 5 major creek crossings on the Council road, assessment of options and development of cost estimates for the private road construction, and preliminary designs.
Curtain Brothers – Mt Moss Mine Access
Complete redesign of 50km of Local Council road for use as mine haul road.
The project included all detailed design, horizontal and vertical alignment, drainage, culverts, bridge, cattle grids and main roads intersections.
Other Private Sector Roads:
Timbarra Project Tenterfield NSW
Design and specification of 30 kilometres of site access road involving the widening of an existing Council road, through agricultural land, State Forest and National Park.
Work included:
Design of vertical and horizontal alignments, pavements, road drainage, cross drainage, with an emphasis on minimising the extent of clearing and land resumption for fauna and flora preservation, erosion protection during construction involving the use of silt traps and slope minimisation.
Design of the upgrade of the intersection with the Bruxner Hwy, left and right auxiliary lanes, pavement design, sealing, installation of road furniture, line marking.
Specifications to NSW RTA Standards.
Saraji Coal Mine
Restructuring of internal road network for the separation of light and heavy (200 tonne dump truck) traffic
Conquest Mining
Route selection and design of access road to proposed Conquest Silver mine
Timbarra Mine
Design of haul roads for pit development for 2Mtpa heap leach mine in environmentally sensitive area.
Ross Mining NL – Yandan Gold Mine
Design and construction supervision of the 42 km access road from Mt Coolum to Yandan.
Tick Hill Gold MIne
Design, documentation and supervision of construction of 16km access road from The Monument to Tick Hill Gold Mine.
Magnetite Mine
Design of 60 km haul road and associated river crossings for magetite mine (Link to "Haul road bridge during construction").