Design Certification
Fraser-Lever engineers are Registered Professional Engineers of Queensland (RPEQ) certified, Institution of Engineers Papua New Guinea (IEPNG) certified and are Chartered Professional Engineers (CPEng) in the disciplines of Mechanical, Structural, Project Management and Civil Engineering.
We are able to offer RPEQ and CPEng certification of new or existing designs for compliance across Australian, State, and where applicable, international standards and legislation.

RPEQ Sign Off Services
RPEQ Engineers in Australia is a group of professional engineers that maintain full responsibility for all the operational and engineering services being carried out. Queensland stands out as the only Australian state or territory jurisdiction requiring registration for engineers carrying out a professional engineering service in the state or for a Queensland-based project.
Fraser-Lever proudly displays its RPEQ logo as an important marker to industry and the community of its independent, competent and ethical practices. It’s a signal that our expert team of engineers exceed expectations with professionalism and respect.
Before achieving the status of being able to perform RPEQ sign off services of new or existing designs, our specialists underwent rigorous qualification and competency assessment to meet all legal requirements.
For Queensland projects involving professional engineering, a final review and ‘sign off’ is required and can be performed by a Fraser-Lever RPEQ certified engineer. Under Queensland law, in some cases, the engineering services must be directly supervised or conducted by an RPEQ engineer, rather than reviewed and signed off afterwards.

Design Certification ‘Form 15’
Fraser-Lever prides itself on the quality standards it upholds both in Australia and internationally, and through its certification duties, enables others to maintain high standards of excellence and safety.
Design certification ‘Form 15’ is a Queensland-based standard to ensure building design or specification will, if installed or carried out under the certificate, comply with the relevant building laws.
Fraser-Lever carries out the building certification function allowing its appointed experts to assess a building application, inspect and certify building work.
Why Fraser-Lever?

Fraser-Lever is a ISO9001 Quality Assured Business. Our Environmental Management System is certified to ISO14001.

We have a team of full-time engineers specialising in Structural, Mechanical, Civil and Geotechnical. We pride ourselves on our culture and our commitment to delivery.

We are committed to a policy of providing quality services to ensure client satisfaction for the duration of the project.